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Using Western Union/Money Gram
Western Union is a convenient way to send money around the world through their local offices, banks that support Western Union, and online.
1. On your Shopping Cart page, click after reviewing your items.
2. On the Order Information page, under Payment Information, select .
3. After checking your order details, click to submit your order.
4. Go to your local Western Union branch or visit the Western Union website to complete payment for your order. Make sure you have the following beneficiary details:
*Beneficiary: Xie MengTing
*First Name: Xie
*Last Name: MengTing
*Country: China
*Address: Zhuoyue Mansion, No. 68, 1st Fuhua Road, Futian District,, ShenZhen, PR China, 518000
5. Once you’ve completed payment, contact our Customer Service to provide us your payment details, including money sender’s First Name, Last Name, Country, Amount, Currency and MTCN(Money Transfer Control Number).
We want every Western Union transaction to go smoothly for our customers, so please be sure to check the total payment amount first. cannot cover any handling fees added on by local Western Union branches.
Paying with Wire Transfer
1. On your Shopping Cart page, click after reviewing your items.
2. On the Order Information page, under Payment Information, select .
3. After checking your order details, click to submit your order.
4. Go to your local bank to complete payment for your order. Make sure you have the following beneficiary details:
*Account Number: 039-743-2-003293-2
*Swift Code: CIYUHKHH
*Bank Address: G/F,NO. 967 - 967A KING'S ROAD,QUARRY BAY, H.K.
5. Once you’ve completed payment, contact our Customer Service to provide us your payment details, including money sender’s First Name, Last Name, Country, Amount and Currency.
We want every wire transfer transaction to go smoothly for our customers, so please be sure to check the total payment amount first. cannot cover any transaction fees added on by your local bank.