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Light Bulb Lingo:
Watts: A watt is a unit of power. One watt is equal to 1/746th horsepower. Most incandescent bulbs range from 15 to 150 watts. They can be used with dimmer switches.
SAFETY NOTE: Never exceed the maximum wattage recommended for your lamp!
Lumens: A lumen is a unit of light. 1600 lumens is equal to about 100 watts.
Light bulb life: The life of a light bulb is how many hours the bulb will last.
Incandescent: Incandescent light bulbs have a filament that's heated to the point of glowing. The glowing filament produces the bulb's light. Incandescent bulbs range between 15 to 200 watts.
Fluorescent: Fluorescent bulbs or tubes are filled with mercury vapor that emits ultraviolet light when electricity is applied. The bulbs/tubes have a coating inside that turns the ultraviolet rays into visible light.
Incandescent Bulb Colors:
Clear: Clear bulbs offer a brilliant light.
Soft White: Soft white bulbs soften the edges of light in a room and are the most popular lighting in homes today.
Yellow: Yellow bulbs are usually used to discourage the gathering of bugs in outdoor areas.
Amber: Amber bulbs imitate the look of gas flame lighting.
Blue: Blue bulbs filter out the yellow aspect of an area.
Incandescent Bulb Shapes:
A-Line: A-line bulb is better known as the standard light bulb and comes in multiple watts.
Candle: A decorative bulb that creates the mood of romance. Candle bulbs can be used with dimmers for accent lighting and in chandeliers.
Ceiling Fan: Specialty bulb made specifically for a ceiling fan.
Flame: Flame bulbs are similar to a candle bulb but are wrinkled to appear flame-like.
Flicker: The filament in the bulb resembles a flickering flame. These bulbs are used in chandeliers and candelabras.
Globe: Globe bulbs are round, need no covering and are used often in vanity lighting around mirrors.
Reflector: An indoor bulb used for directing light such as a spotlight or recessed light.
Tubular: Tube-shaped bulb used mainly in picture and under cabinet lighting.
Parabolic Aluminized Reflectors (PAR): PAR bulbs are safe for outdoor use and come as halogen bulbs or regular bulbs.
Halogen Bulbs:
Halogen bulbs are the same technology as incandescent; however, they are more efficient, last much longer and produce more lighting for the same expenditure of energy.
Fluorescent Bulbs:
Fluorescent light bulbs have been traditionally a linear light source, but also come in u-shaped and circular. Fluorescent tubes will not work without a ballast. Fluorescent bulbs last longer than incandescent.
Flourescent Bulb Colors:
Cool White: Cool white bulbs are used most frequently in offices, schools and workshops.
Soft White: Soft white bulbs lend a soft aura to a room.
Natural Color: Natural color light bulbs gives a high-color interpretation of colors in the area.
Sunlight: Sunlight bulbs are nice if light from the outdoors is minimal or low.