No tiene artículos en su cesta de la compra.
In most cases, we will issue a refund within 48 hours after your returned package has been processed. The time it takes to receive your refund will differ based on the payment method you used.
Credit/Debit Card
For credit card payment refund, please allow up to two billing cycles for your account to be credited, since both the banks in our country and in your country need time to process the refund.
If you are a registered PayPal member, your refund will be completed instantly. You may check your PayPal account for more information regarding the refund.
If you are an unregistered PayPal user, it will take 7-45 days for PayPal to process your refund and return the money to your credit/debit card account.
Western Union
For customers that paid using Western Union, we recommend using PayPal to receive your refund to avoid processing fees and get your refund immediately. If you want to receive your refund through Western Union, you will need to provide us with your necessary information and then go to a Western Union agent to pick up your refund using the details we provide.
Wire Transfer
Unfortunately, we cannot give more information on how long it will take to credit your account as it depends on your bank’s procedures. We recommend contacting your bank if you have any questions regarding a refund.